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Rakuten Hikari is the fiber-optic internet service recommended for Rakuten Mobile! Comparison with other companies

Good news for Rakuten Mobile users! The fiber-optic internet recommended by Rakuten Mobile is Rakuten Hikari! For those who are thinking about reviewing or saving on their communication costs, the combination of Rakuten Mobile and Rakuten Hikari is the best option. Currently, Rakuten Mobile is running the "Strongest Home Program" to commemorate its 5th anniversary . By taking advantage of this campaign, you can make significant savings on both smartphones and the internet.

The ultimate home program

Features of Rakuten Hikari

Rakuten Hikari offers high-speed and stable optical fiber service. It supports high-speed communication of up to 1Gbps and also supports IPv6, so you can use the Internet comfortably even during peak times. The monthly fees are as follows.

  • Apartment Plan (Apartment) : 4,180 yen per month (tax included)

  • Family Plan (detached house) : 5,280 yen per month (tax included)

In addition, Rakuten Hikari is also a target service of the "SPU (Super Point Up Program)", which increases the point multiplier when shopping on Rakuten Ichiba. By using Rakuten Hikari, the point multiplier on Rakuten Ichiba will be +1, allowing you to earn points even on everyday shopping.

5th Anniversary "Strongest Home Program Set Discount" Campaign

  1. Rakuten Hikari installation fees are free : The installation fee, which is normally 22,000 yen (tax included), will be waived, allowing you to significantly reduce your initial costs.

  2. 1,000 yen worth of Rakuten points will be awarded every month for life : 1,000 points will be awarded every month while using Rakuten Hikari. This will effectively save you the following monthly fees:

    • Apartment Plan : 4,180 yen per month - 1,000 points = 3,180 yen

    • Family plan : 5,280 yen per month - 1,000 points = 4,280 yen

Comparison with other companies' optical fiber lines

When comparing Rakuten Hikari with other companies' fiber optic lines, its value for money stands out. Below is a comparison table with major fiber optic line services.

Rakuten Hikari

Monthly fee: 4,280 yen ★Cheap

Construction cost 0 yen

Administrative fee: 880 yen

Total cost for 2 years is 103,600 yen ★Cheap

Total cost for 3 years: 154,960 yen ★Cheap

Total cost for 4 years: 206,320 yen ★Cheap

@Smart Light

Monthly fee: 4,730 yen

Construction cost 0 yen

0 yen administrative fee

Total cost for 2 years: 113,520 yen

Total cost for three years: 170,280 yen

Total cost for 4 years: 227,040 yen

NURO Hikari

Monthly fee: 5,200 yen

Construction cost is essentially 0 yen

Administrative fee: 3,300 yen

Total cost for 2 years: 128,100 yen

Total cost for three years: 190,500 yen

Total cost for 4 years: 252,900 yen

As such, Rakuten Hikari has lower monthly fees and reduced initial costs compared to other companies, making it excellent in long-term cost performance.

Benefits for Rakuten Mobile users

Rakuten Mobile's "Rakuten Saikyo Plan" is extremely reasonable at 3,278 yen (tax included) per month with unlimited data. By combining this plan with Rakuten Hikari, you can review your smartphone and home internet environment at once and save on your overall communication costs. Apply here 👇

Get 14,000 points when you sign up through the exclusive special offer page


The combination of Rakuten Mobile and Rakuten Hikari is the perfect choice for those who are looking to review and save on their communication costs. By taking advantage of the 5th anniversary "Strongest Home Program Set Discount", you can reduce your initial costs while also significantly reducing your monthly communication costs. In addition, you can receive points back on Rakuten Ichiba, which increases the overall sense of value.

To everyone coming to Japan from overseas

We've prepared a short guide for you, choose your language to find out more.

Rakuten Mobile employees talk about their experiences

Blog author and Rakuten employee
  • X

The author of this blog is a current Rakuten employee. In this blog, I will share my honest impressions of my mobile phone charges and signal conditions after switching from SoftBank, which I had been using since my student days, to Rakuten Mobile. I will share information on switching mobile phones (MNP), re-contracting, comparing mobile phones, mobile phone charges, model changes, campaigns, family discounts, and special offers. Currently, the employee referral campaign allows you to earn 14,000 points if you switch (MNP) and 7,000 points if you do not switch. Those who are re-contracting can also apply. Please make use of this opportunity to switch your smartphone or sign up for a new smartphone contract.

Rakuten Mobile, experience report, model change, mobile phone switching, mobile phone charges, mobile phone comparison, MNP, re-contract, new contract

© Rakuten Mobile employees talking about their experiences

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